collecting pebbles and sparsity

Posted on March 11, 2024 by Yu Cong

assuming familiarity with basic matroid thoery

Problem collecting pebbles. Given a directed graph . There are pebbles on a subset of vertives . We can move pebbles along the directed edges. Once we move a pebble along some edge, this edge is immediately inverted. The problem is can we move pebbles to a special vertex .

I think this should be NP-Hard but I don’t know how to prove it.

I found this problem in a paper “Pebble game algorithms and sparse graphs”. On -sparse graphs with special rules for putting initial pebbles this problem can be solved through simple depth-first-search.

There are two interesting ideas in the paper. The relation of sparsity and pebble games and why the above problem can be solved with simple dfs.

1 -sparsity

-sparsity is a quantitative way to say how sparse an undirected graph is. and . A graph is -sparse if holds for any subgraph of . One can see that since otherwise there must be no edge between any two vertices. The -sparse subgraphs(edge set) of form the independent sets of a matroid. For more on matroid and especially sparsity matroid, read matroid and sparsity matroid. The Pairs (k,l) that form a matroid part in the sparsity matroid link is misleading. Matroids with and satisfying those condition will have a spanning tight graph as their bases; those who don’t satisfying conditions are still matroids but their bases will never be -tight graphs.

Actually more general things are also matroids. They are called count matroids. read Andras Frank’s “Connections in Combinatorial Optimization” Theorem 13.5.5 for proofs.

In terms of sparsity, the proof in the book basically shows is a matroid rank function and the independnet sets of our sparsity matroid defined above are exactly the independent sets of the matroid defined by rank function .

If you want to prove the independnet set exchange property directed, it seems a little harder. We need to show for any two -sparse subgraph and s.t. , there exists s.t. is -sparse. We only consider connnected graphs. If is not a subset of , there would be and some edge connecting and . can be added to since . On the other hand if is a subset of how to find such an edge? Suppose such an edge does not exist. Then for any , we can find a tight subgraph of containing and but not the edge .(see Theorem 5 in the pebble game paper). Also there exists at least one edge in but not in . (I think the contradiction is but don’t know what to do next…) This method doesn’t work

sparsity proofs

Googling ‘graph sparsity’ normally returns sparsity measurement like upperbounds on average degree or max degree. There are many literature about bounded max(average) vertex degree graphs(see this lecture from mim_uw for example). However these definitions don’t imply matroids. For example graph with max degree 4.


One can see that the two graphs do not satisfy the independent set exchange property.

2 pebble game

How to decide whether a given graph is -sparse? “Pebble game algorithms and sparse graphs” provides an algorithm solving the problem in polynomial time(, is the number of vertices) and a proof of equivalence of pebble game and graph -sparsity.

The algorithm described in the paper basically finds a base of -sparsity matorid defined on the input graph. Note that finding a base of any matroid can be easily done with independence oracle calls. If we want a polynomial time alg then the independence oracle must be fast. A bruteforce method is to check every subgraph. We can certainly not afford that.

In the paper the authors designed a nice way to check independence. The idea is instead of comparing and , they compare and . Then is fixed and checking every subgraph to compute is still needed. They manage to count by counting pebbles on vertices instead of counting edges. Thus the rules of pebble games are quite straightforward(but still some ambiguous rules). Initially we have an empty graph and vertices. On each vertex there are pebbles(for ). We consider edges one by one in arbitrary order. Once we added an edge to the graph, we should remove one pebble from one of the edge’s endpoints. We need to design rules for accepting or rejecting edges. Astute readers may find that simply removing pebbles while adding new edges is completely not working 😅. We want the remaining pebbles on any subgraph to be but the method we try to use doesn’t guarantee this since we may remove a pebble on either endpoint of the added edge…

In the paper they use directed graph. When considering an undirected edge , they make it directed(i.e. ) and then remove a pebble from the source(). An edge is accepted if and only the endpoints can collect pebbles in total. Collecting pebbles is just searching paths from or to some vertex with pebbles and moving one pebble from that vertex to (or ) and reversing the edges on the path. For any vertex, if an out edge is added, an pebble is removed(accepting edge); if one pebble is removed, an out edge is added(pebble collecting vertex); if one pebble is added, one out edge is removed(reverse pebble collecting path).

One can see that for any subgraph this pebble collection and edge adding operation preserve the sum of

  1. total number of pebbles on
  2. |E’|
  3. the out edges starting at and ending elsewhere.

see the paper for detailed proof.

proof in the paper

The last question is can we do every operations in polynomial time? or in other words why collecting pebbles can be done in polynomial time? In the paper there is a lemma saying that if adding an edge does not break sparsity and there are not enough pebbles on and (we need to do pebble collection), then we can always find a pebble collecting path without changing the pebble count of other vertices. Thus we can collect pebbles by simple dfs.

sage code for an straightforward implementation

def is_kl_sparse(g,k:int,l:int):
    pebble game algorithm for deciding if `g` is (k,l)-sparse.
    `g` may have multiedges and loops
    use `g=Graph(multiedges=True,loops=True)` from sagemath graph
    assert(k>0 and l>=0 and l<=2*k-1)
    peb=[k for _ in d.vertex_iterator()]
    def dfs(u,v): # returns if u can get pebble. dfs should not touch v
        vis=[False for _ in d.vertex_iterator()]
        pre=[-1 for _ in d.vertex_iterator()]
        while len(st):
                while pre[h]!=-1:
                return True
            for c in d.neighbor_out_iterator(h):
                if not vis[c]:
        return False
    def edgeinsertion(u,v):
        if peb[u]==0: u,v=v,u

    for (u,v) in edges:
        if peb[u]+peb[v]>=l+1:
            while True:
                if peb[u]<k: tryu=dfs(u,v)
                if peb[u]+peb[v]==l+1:
                if peb[v]<k: tryv=dfs(v,u)
                if peb[u]+peb[v]==l+1:
                if not tryu and not tryv:
        # d.plot().show()
        # input()
    if pebsum==l:
        if rej==0: return "tight"
        else: return "spanning"
    elif pebsum>l and rej==0: return "sparse"
    else: return "other"

# d=Graph(multiedges=True,loops=True)
# d.add_edges([(0,2),(1,2),(1,3),(2,4),(2,5),(4,6),(4,7),(5,8)])
# # d.plot().show()
# # print(is_kl_sparse(d,1,1))
# d.add_edge(4,6)
# d.plot().show()
# print(is_kl_sparse(d,1,1))
# print(sum(peb))