Notes on graphic matroid representation and cocircuit transversal

Posted on January 9, 2025 by Yu Cong

While reading (for a reading group), I realized that I lack knowledge about matroid representation.

This is a very incomplete notes on matroid representation related problems.

List of materials I briefly read:


Update The latter half of this post is way off-topic. So I changed the title.

1 Graphic matroids are regular

Consider the vertex-edge incidence matrix. Randomly orient the edges. if enters , if leaves , otherwise. Minimal linear dependent columns are exactly the cycles in the original graph. Take to be the multiplicative identity and its additive inverse over any field.

2 If is linear, so is page 21

In the dual matroid , the groundset is the same as and the sum of their ranks is .

The idea is, consider a linear matroid as a dimensional subspace in . Let be a basis of ( is the orthogonal complement of the column space of ) and be a basis of . spans and the intersection of and the subspace spanned by vectors (that is ) in empty. The subspace spanned by is exactly the orthogonal complement of which is the subspace spanned by .

An alternative proof is Theorem 2.

This argument works over any field. Thus both graphic matroids and cographic matroids are regular.

3 Cographic matroids

Cycle rank is the minimum number of edges whose removal makes the graph cycle less. For any spanning forest , all edges outside must be removed since otherwise there will be a cycle. The size of spanning forests are the same, i.e. , where is the number of vertices and is the number of components. Thus cycle rank is the rank of the dual matroid of the graphic matroid on .

For graphic matroids on non-planar graphs, their dual may not be graphic. Thus in general we do not have a graph representation of cographic matroids. However, cographic matroids are still linear and cycle space gives its representation.

Edge space is a vector space over . Elements in the edge space of are subsets of . Addition of two elements is taking their symmetric difference. Bases in the edge space are spanning forests and the rank of edge space is .

Cycle space is naturally defined as the vector space spanned by all cycles (together with ). What is the rank of the cycle space? The rank is exactly since if we fix a spanning forest (of size ) any edge outside form a cycle and those cycles are linearly independent. The basis chosen in this way is called a fundamental cycle basis. Indeed, the cycle space can be spanned with all induced cycles.

Cut space contains all cuts of the graph(why is this a subspace?). One possible basis of the cut space is for any vertices. Thus the rank of the cut space is . The set of minimal cuts also span the cut space. One may observe the fact that the sum of ranks of cut space and cycle space is . In fact, they are orthogonal complement of each other. For proofs see chapter 1.9 in [1].

One important fact we are assuming is that cycle space and cut space are subspaces. This is trivial for graphic matroids since the symmetric difference of two cuts is still a cut and the symmetric difference of two cycle is still a cycle of union of disjoint cycles. Is this still true for non-graphic matroids?

Unfortuantely, for general matroids the set of circuit (or cocircuits) is not closed under taking symmetric difference. This can be seen from circuit axioms. We only have for any circuit and . For example, consider two circuits and in , the symmetric difference, , is independent.

Note that the example is the excluded minor of binary matroids. So what about binary matroids? It is known that binary matroid is a self dual family of matroids, we need to show that the symmetric difference of two intersecting circuits is another circuit. This is theorem 9.1.2 in [2].

A similar problem is discussed on mathoverflow concerning a special basis (like ) in the “cocircuit space”. I will further elaborate in the next section.

4 Cocircuit transversal

In the comment the OP mentioned a interesting fact, which is corollary 1 in [3]


Given a base of some rank matroid . Let be the set of fundamental cocircuits associated to . Every base of is a transversal of .

An alternative way to understand this is that, take a base of some matroid and consider the transversal matroid on , every base of is independent in this transversal matroid. Take graphic matroids for an example. Any edge in a spanning tree defines a unique cut. Any spanning tree is a transversal of these cuts.

I tried to prove this corollary myself but failed. The following proof is from the paper. I think there should be a nice way to prove it directly (without the theorem below) through some “common transversal proof” techniques I am not familiar with.

To simplify the notations, some definitions in [3] are needed. For a base , let be the unique cocircuit in if is in . For , let be . Dually, for a fixed base and , we can define to be the unique circuit in and for . There is an interesting theorem in [3].


Given any matroid with groundset and rank , consider any base and any size subset , is a transversal of if and only if is a transversal of .

and are both considered under the base .

  1. is a transversal of . We can write as since is a system of distinct representatives. For , since ’s are singletons for these . Thus if we can show that for all then we finish this half. must be in since otherwise the intersection of and is and it is known that the intersection of any circuit and cocircuit in a matroid is never going to be a singleton.
  2. is a transversal of . is . And again we can ignore the intersection and prove for . The proof is identical.

So what if is another base? We can get the corollary if we show that the base is a transversal of for any other base . Finally, here is the proof of the corollary.


By contradiction. Suppose that there is a base which is not a transversal of . Then by Hall’s theorem there exists a independent set such that . Note that ’s are fundamental circuits of . Thus is the largest independent set in the cycle . A contradiction.


R. Diestel, Graph Theory, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2017 10.1007/978-3-662-53622-3.
J.G. Oxley, Matroid theory, 2nd ed, Oxford University Press, Oxford ; New York, 2011.
R.A. Brualdi, On fundamental transversal matroids, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 45 (1974) 151–156 10.1090/S0002-9939-1974-0387087-4.